Thursday, September 1, 2022

About this blog


About this blog

As I have written 11 times before, if a reader of my blog is in search of profound observations or thoughts, you will not find them here. It’s not that I’m incapable of such thoughts, and then turning them into words, it’s just that there’s no time for me to transform my musings of the day in pithy pearls of wisdom. So, if writings can range on a scale of 0 to 10 in terms of profundity, mine hover around between 1 and 2, and principally record the events of the day, and other various and sundry things that occupied my time. For instance, grizzly bears walking down the highway beside my Defender; an engine failing on the Alaskan highway in the Yukon in frigid weather, 250 miles from the nearest garage; the Defender's transmission breaking down in a snowstorm crossing the plains of Kansas, my dog Leben becoming paralyzed 1500 miles from home, etc.

As for the writings in the blog, I dictate them without notes, and so they are replete with errors of one sort or another which I do not have the time, patience or battery to correct all. So, please ignore the obvious errors, and try to make some sense of any words or phrases that just don't look like they fit in. In other words, read the blog in a holistic sense and not on word-to-word basis.


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